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HomePets & WildlifeFitness for Dogs: How to Help Him Reach His Ideal Weight

Fitness for Dogs: How to Help Him Reach His Ideal Weight

An overweight dog becomes lazy – a vicious circle, which you can interrupt with various exercises.

The road to a dog’s heart goes through a dog’s diet. But something made out of love can be the cause of extra pounds. With your help and a light dog fitness program, your quadruped can reduce excess weight. Thus, he will return to good physical shape and will be able to move again without problems. In this article, we will show you which exercises improve the physical condition of dogs and at the same time bring benefits to your health.

Back to the ideal weight with the help of the correct exercises

There are many good reasons to fight the extra pounds of the dog. After all, you want the best for your quadruped and you want it to be healthy and in good shape for a long time. Fortunately, weight loss is less problematic in dogs than some owners would think.

Once you have identified how many pounds you should actually weigh and have clarified the causes of excess fat with your dog’s veterinarian, you already have the basics of a successful diet. Together you can determine the right strategy for losing extra pounds.

Back to the ideal weight with the help of the correct exercises

There are many good reasons to fight the extra pounds of the dog. After all, you want the best for your quadruped and you want it to be healthy and in good shape for a long time. Fortunately, weight loss is less problematic in dogs than some owners would think.

Once you have identified how many pounds you should actually weigh and have clarified the causes of excess fat with your veterinarian, you already have the basics of a successful diet. Together you can determine the right strategy for losing extra pounds.

So, talk to your veterinarian about how you can do fitness with your dog and what to look out for, for example to protect his joints.

5 exercises for the dog

Once you have identified all the factors that influence the dog’s health, it is time to put into practice what you have learned. The following exercises will help and improve both the physical condition of the dog and that of the owner.

1. The walk

Simple but effective

An overweight dog is often lazier than a slender one. This is due to the fact that even the simplest movements become difficult when the body is heavier. Activities such as jumping can even affect the joints instead of improving the dog’s health.

A simple but gentle way to make overweight dogs move more is to take them out for a walk regularly. You can vary the walking route or you can walk with other dogs.

Combined with a few sports sessions or fast-paced walks, walking becomes a fun fitness workout for beginners. The dog will not even realize that he is already actively doing sports. Try to include commands, such as “sit” or “lying down”, alternating between the two to burn calories and strengthen the dog’s muscles step by step.

2. Movement exercises

In good physical shape both on the road and at home

Once the dog is in better shape, you can challenge him more and more often with different exercises. Let him walk on a fallen tree trunk, jump over small pits, or keep him busy with a dog toy.

If you use a certain toy for walks, it will become more interesting and the dog will be eager to go for the daily walk.

You can keep your quadruped busy at home, for example, by hiding his favourite toy in the apartment or in the garden and letting him look for it. Basically, you can practice dog fitness anywhere.

3. Fitness with the dog

Together you will achieve the desired goal

Sport is more fun if you have company. Often a dog becomes even more active when he has another four-legged friend next to him – or if you move with him.

Like, for example, doing yoga for dogs? Or outdoor exercises that involve the quadruped step-by-step? Not only will you lose weight, but you will also be in good shape and you will strengthen your relationship with your loyal companion.

Involve the quadruped by associating the movements in the exercises with your commands: for example, if you bend your knees during a knee bend, tell the dog to sit. When you get up, it can roll over.

4. Swimming for dogs

Use the principles of physics

Some dog breeds feel great in the water. If your quadruped is part of one, use your preference.

The more massive the dog, the more it needs the benefits of swimming. Use the principles of physics: a submerged body looks easier in water. While in the water, he will get rid of the weight, because his body is much lighter when he swims than when he is on land. Therefore, it will feel great to do this sport. Water training becomes even more stimulating if you use water toys.

5. Jogging and cycling with the dog

For professionals

If you do a lot of sports and the dog is used to the movement, you can take him on a bike ride or run. Thus, the quadruped can burn quite a lot of calories. But this form of sport is only suitable for healthy and obedient dogs. Start training slowly.

Remember that not every dog ​​breed is suitable for fast sports. It is not a sport recommended especially for dogs with very short legs or a compact body.

Slightly overweight dogs with an athletic structure can also try this type of movement. Your veterinarian will be happy to advise you on how appropriate advanced sports such as jogging or agility are for losing your dog’s extra pounds.

Tips to improve the fitness of dogs through dog fitness

  • If the four-legged friend has to lose weight, fun, and safety are the keys to success. Follow the tips below to make sure that both you and your dog can truly enjoy training:
  • Start training slowly and gradually increase the number and intensity of exercises.
  • The dog should listen to you and follow the most important commands, especially in the case of outdoor activities.
  • Warm up your dog’s muscles before training, for example with a short walk, and give him enough breaks. Make sure you drink enough water during exercise and especially after the dog fitness session.
  • Adapts outdoor activities. In the summer, make sure the quadruped can cool down at any time.

There are many exercises for dogs that you can use to increase their activity level. Try to find a workout that suits your pet’s fitness and body type.

Fitness for dogs: the most important tip

Have fun together! If you approach the dog’s training in a positive way, your motivation will become contagious for the dog and he will have fun in the fitness sessions.

With the right exercises, empathy, and a little patience, you and your dog will get results very quickly. Once exercise becomes part of your routine, you will have more and more fun practicing canine sports.

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